Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sick Day

Lilly stayed home with a 100.8 degree temperature.  She was so excited.

It is not often that Lilly and I get a day alone, so we had to fill it with some creative collaborations.  We decided to make some Valentine's Day decorations for her upcoming party.

First, we made a paper chain to drape across our dining room chandelier.  All it took was 6 - 12x12 scrapbook papers in pink and red colors and a stapler (we tried double sided tape at first, but it was not doing so well with the thicker paper).  Lilly had to take some time to figure out how to successfully hold the paper and stapler at the same time.  But after a few times, she was a pro!
Still struggling to figure it out.

Got it!

Look at Lilly modeling our paper boa!

Finished product - but looks a bit plain...

Then, we decided we needed to make a tissue paper flower to fancy it up a bit (we ARE Fancy Nancy fans after all).  Lilly had a fun time helping me fold the paper and hang our beautiful flower.
Fold 10 sheets of tissue paper accordion style.

Tie a pipe cleaner tightly around the middle.  Make sure to make a loop with the extra for hanging.

Pull five sheets one direction, and five the other direction.

Now that is MUCH fancier!

Not a bad start to our party decorations!